Sunday, October 29

erm kill.. you logged on RIGHT after i logged off... how conicidental can that be?


the fonts STILL don't come out right... it's STILL times new roman... is that the way it's supposed to be? 'cause ALL the fonts are in Times New Roman...

and the links color is fuschia... a cross between pruple and PINK... what are you THINKING??

i think is scrolls smooth after you've visited the page many many many times.... my page scrolls fine, viva hate scrolls fine... that's coz i visit it waaaaay too many times... but the rest of the blogs that i don't frequent usually scrolls jerkily... sooo... i guess it must be the number of times you frequest the place that decides the scrolling smoothness... am i making sense here?

*cutting nails... looks at finger* is that blood???? hm... it's read... but i don;t feel any pain...

okay... it's flowing out as i type... it is blood.. o.O

NOW it's beginning to hurt.. must use other finger to type now....

oi... Kill.. what's the site for the cursors??? you know.... that b____????? hm??? need help here...

how do you like my colors?????


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