Saturday, November 25

.. Kill, on PMS, it still doesn't... the pic is still one shade lighter... ah, forget it..

haven't finished the layout yet.. heck.. i haven't even started...

need to go suntec to buy gloves... Kill, have been trying to call you since 3pm... oh well, seems like you're online...


gloves gloves gloves gloves gloves...

bought a stripey red, yellow, white and brown wooly sweater... jealous??

oh, i also bought a red and blck striped scarf... kakakakakakakakaka...

ready to kill me yet, kill?

dumb pun.. i know...

anyway, the job's probably on Tues, sis is at bbq now, so can't contact her...

Mon can go with me go buy gloves at suntec??? wanna watch Charlie's Angels on the way??? ne??


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