Monday, November 13

i didn't blog much for the past few days.. and if you've been looking at my imood... i'm STILL feeling bummed...

ok... blog replies and rants...

my darkname is Mad Prophet... i guess it's because i have too vivid an imagination to predict the impending doom of most people..

my layout was going to have a pic the last time i updated it.. just that i conveniently forgot to upload the pic... and i haven't reached 500 hits that time...

i didn't use the FUCK layout because i had a headache... and i can't be bothered...

i wanna adopt some yellow duckies for the duck race.. but... i'm running low on dough... some other time, perhaps...

i have to go down to parlais later, around 12+.... so kill, you and Su will have to meet in the morning, and i'll bve down later.. wearing the 'Reality' shirt... i DO like to traumatise little innocent kiddies on the intricacies of mthe homosexual kind... muwahahahahaha

have to go take a passport photo for the shanghai visa later... may need to coerce my mom into gettting the Nike windbreaker and Panasonic discman along the way.. kakakakaka... i'm evil... and i can't survive without my discman...

talk about nipping food.. my mudder has that very bad habit... and from me, no less...

when i cook something, in the middle of the night, and she happens to be awake... that's it.. i will have bits of food missing from my plate.. and she doesn't use chopsticks.. she uses fingers... oh well, that's my family and their wired habits.. oh, that was supposed to be wierd.. it means the same thing anyway.. in reference to them, in any case..

i have a big family too.. and the network is just. too... complicated to explain.. there are a few that's adopted here and there, and there's those that are indirect relatives.. and it just gets bigger and bigger... but the most unusual is still my direct family.. ie. my mudder, fudder and sisder... and there's always the bored gossiping grandparent, aunts... and etc...
there ARE some that are nice.. and i love them alot.. maybe it's because i seldom see them... >.<

i either get a headache or feel sleepy when i start studying..
go figure...

and my exams are in 36+ hours from now....

i am SOOOO going to fail...


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