Monday, April 16

NnM, i used to take ginko biloba.. the extract of ginko in a tablet...

that was a few months before my GCE 'O' levels exam... dunno if it worked... my parents like to believe it did...

i wouldn't know... i hit my head too many times during that period.. it probably neutralised the effects.. (read: people think that hitting the head of a person would make said person stoopid)

oh... and actually, i think, it's said that eating more than 15(?) ginko nuts is actually harmful to the system.. .

hm... and this woman.. (i think i saw it on 60 mins) ate ginko tablets with her medication without consulting her doc (i think she was diabetic or something) and it actually made her loose her memory... the medicines counteracted with each other...

ah.... the irony of it all..


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