Sleep is a bank account that you put capital in when you are young and draw on as you get older; and then you run out of capital and die. -John Lanchester "Mr Phillips"
That means, according to that philosophy, I'll live a really really long life....
methinks i should cut down on my sleep, counting that I have a thousand and one things to do and I don't really want to live that long.
It has been a tedious week, and it's over...
the week is so going to start with a bang...
preferably as a gunshot to my head...
but sadly, it isn't so.
I have projects to do, assignments to hand in, and presentations to plan.
Why is it that i have a Foreboding sense of Impending DOOM�?
whine whine whine...
yes, that's what Gen does... not with the finesse of Ernie, or the angst of, say, Kill. No, He/She/It doesn't whine... but... oh well..
Hm... wanna watch 'The Time Machine', Spiderman, and Ice Age... not necessarily in that order...
"Vox, is, the Internet, with sarcasm." - some dude involved with the production of 'The Time Machine' about the character 'Vox' whom the Lead meets in 2030.
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