Sunday, May 11

now playing: Craig David - Rendevous

life is one big conspiracy against me...

just when i think i'm doing fine, something just comes along and screws it up...

ever get that feeling before?

something tells me that it's going to get screwed again...

why? i don't know...

what are you still doing here reading my whining?

that's all i ever do, isn't it?

think too much, whine too much... screw my life up too much..

when will this ever end?

love? who cares about it?

It's better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all...


Having loved and lost, makes you never want to love again. You close your heart to anyone who tries to get in, get paranoid that everyone's trying to get into your pants. Fear commitment like the plague. Run from love like the hounds of hell are after you.


It makes you lose hope, faith, light, happiness in anything, any people, that can vaguely make you happy for the rest of your life.

Is it too much to ask, to love someone and be loved just as much in return?

"Maybe this world is another planet's hell" - Aldous Huxley


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