Sunday, April 15

Oklahoma! - The Flight

I am finally in Oklahoma... after a grueling, and i do mean grueling 22+ hours flight, i am finally here... and it is STILL saturday... It feels like groundhog day...

The night before the flight, i had a slight runny nose and hoarse throat. BAD IDEA to get this shit. Add to that the fact that i didn't sleep, I'm wishing i NEVER fly here again. ever.

Got to the airport at 5am, and checked in, bought makeup, got on the plane... and hell began...

Plane was fully packed, and i was stuck in the LAST row! At least it was an aisle seat. Slept on and off... watched movie etc etc...

Then we reached NARITA! Oh Japan... land of kawaii and delicious food... had curry rice for lunch and bought the gackt e-ma candy! I am such a sucker for commercials and cute boys...

anyway, will post more adventures later.. am kinda sick and need to take meds and sleep...


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