*Mind boggle*
[now playing: Gorillaz - Feel good inc]
Am currently addicted to this song... =P
i do realise that i ask wierd questions... not sure if other people ask them too...
like, the other day a bunch of us were hanging around waiting for a movie to start when a friend pulled out a bag of chocolates and popped a white chocolate covered nut into her mouth. It spurred me to turn to Anand and ask, "If chocolate is a color because of the cocoa factor found in chocolate, then what is white chocolate? Isn't it a contradictory term? And if chocolate is brown because it's got cocoa, does white chocolate have cocoa?"
Nobody had an answer for me, but it got me many dirty looks for me trying to screw with their brains just before watching a midnight show.
two days later, i got an sms from Anand. yes, white chocolate has cocoa"
my question has been answered! i am enlightened!
I shall now pose another question that i've been pondering about for a long time from a book, namely Sophie's World.
As you know, parents name their kids a certain name because of the qualities associated with that name. Say i am called Sophie. Would i still be the same person as i am if i were called another name, like Mary? or would my name determine the qualities that i have? That if i were called Mary, i would lose the qualities of "Sophie" and have a different personality from what i am now? Or would i still be "Sophie" regardless of my name being "Mary"?
Names carry the aspirations of the giver of the name to the receiver of the name.
The answer to you question is relavance.
Take for example Bush and Bush Jr.
Everyone is familiar with Bush Snr.
In order for people to understand Bush Jr, at the cognitive level they search for qualities belonging to Bush Snr in Bush Jr. and through this process shorten the duration required to understand Bush Jr. His personality is hence borrowed.
Therein lies the dichotomy. Inevitably, people might assume a trait to be common between the 2 individuals when indeed the trait is not common. Courage is measurable.
However, that is not to say that Bush Jr is not free to explore and develop his own personality.
in fact, Bush Jr might not enjoy the 'baggage'.
it might be necessary therefore to rename oneself in order to, again, circumvent the duration of breaking free. Jackie Chan and Tung Chee Wah are examples of such personalities.
What an essay.
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